Dan DroiD - Guest Book

Dan DroiD would love to hear from the many friends and followers of his career and music.


Feel free to send a message and sign Dan DroiD's guest book.


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  • Sheila Robbins (Tuesday, March 26 24 10:19 pm GMT)

    Wonderful evening at The Anchor Head Hotel Tuesday night

  • Gillian Staunton-Rogers (Thursday, November 23 23 07:49 am GMT)

    Hi Dan,
    Really enjoyed your performance last night. You are an absolute professional and an inspiration to all of those including myself who are unfortunate that our eyesight is failing. Love to Luna.

  • Susan Reynolds (Thursday, July 06 23 02:49 pm BST)

    Me and my son visited Weston-super-Mare last week saw you preforming at the York Hotel where we were staying had a fantastic night your voice is amazing 👏 I brought one of your cds I love it thanks for making our break special

  • Rosemary Hope (Friday, June 24 22 01:49 pm BST)

    We saw you this week at the New Ocean and your show was the highlight of my and my friends holiday.
    Your talent is wonderful and also to see you with your dog was so inspiring. Please please keep singing. Thank you

  • Sarah Wright (Wednesday, September 30 20 11:52 am BST)

    Hi Dan, just so impressed with how you do things. Wonderful night entertainment even with the new Covid rules you made it special. Your voice is truly outstanding and Luna is absolutely gorgeous.
    Thank you and see you again I hope.
    Sarah (Ocean Hotel)

  • Joe Joe and Anna (Friday, September 18 20 08:07 pm BST)

    Amazing voice.. very talented young ma...played your CD all the way home..thanks for a great evening last night....look forward to the next time x

  • Stephen Callaby (Tuesday, February 18 20 11:24 pm GMT)

    Yet another wonderful night (Tuesday 18 Feb). Thanks again Dan, hopefully see you again sometime soon.

  • Pamela toone (Monday, June 10 19 04:08 pm BST)

    Hi Dan what a fantastic singer you are. We saw you last week at Weston super mare we have done quite a lot of hotel holidays and don't usually stay to the end on entertainment nights .
    But you were so fantastic we stayed to the end. We had a lovely chat with you at the end of the night and bought your cd which we love.and lunar us so gorgeous.
    We hope to see you again in the near future.
    All the best for your wing walk
    Cheers Pam and Chris

  • Jan Williams (Sunday, April 07 19 06:32 pm BST)

    Brilliant performance from you last night at the Anchor Head Hotel. Thanks for making the last evening of our holiday so enjoyable and memorable. We all fell 8n love with Lunar, she’s adorable.
    Group of 50 from Altrincham rambling group, south Manchester.

  • Stephen Callaby (Monday, March 04 19 07:14 pm GMT)

    Once again an excellent night last Tuesday (26th Feb). Thanks again Dan.

  • Carol Norton (Friday, December 14 18 12:52 am GMT)

    Hello Dan,Thankyou for Lovely performance at Somerset Legion house December 8th 2018,Having listened to your CD today proved what an excellent singer you are.It was my second time to see you and what a pleasure it was.All the very best to you and your lovely family.x

  • Charlotte (Tuesday, October 09 18 08:13 pm BST)

    Was great to see you at the new ocean again. The cd was fab on way home

  • halfdan kellsson (Wednesday, May 23 18 02:25 pm BST)

    me and my wife saw you at somerset house weston super mare and bought a cd from you ,you are fantastic and everyone that night enjoyed your music well done sir .

  • Marion (Tuesday, April 24 18 02:13 pm BST)

    Hi Dan
    Can't believe I've never seen you before! Your voice is amazing. See you again I hope.

  • Abigail (Wednesday, March 21 18 07:42 pm GMT)

    Hi Dan, Saw you perform on our holiday to Weston, and you are the best I've heard on any of our trips. Your voice is wonderful. Please let me know when the new CD is ready!
    From Abi.

  • Stephen Callaby (Tuesday, February 13 18 11:33 pm GMT)

    5* show tonight. (I bought the CD).Thanks Dan. Stephen

  • Marie Goddard (Thursday, January 04 18 01:02 pm GMT)

    Fab as always Dan. You are too good for this. I hope you get a bit of luck in 2018. Love Marie. Xmas day.

  • Christine (Thursday, January 04 18 12:59 pm GMT)

    Hello Dan
    I just wanted to thank you for such a brilliant night on New Years eve at the Birchfield. I can't tell you how impressed we were with your voice, and the pure excellence you display. I don't know how you managed to keep going as strong as you did for 4 hours, and even more so with your sight problems. It was truly exemplary.
    God bless for 2018.

  • Gillian (Thursday, December 21 17 04:24 pm GMT)

    Saw you at the Anchorhead hotel. You made me and my friend cry! I've never heard anyone sing like you. We would pay to come to a concert and hear You!
    Merry Xmas

  • Stephanie Kirkland (Saturday, December 16 17 10:35 pm GMT)

    A truly fantastic night listening to you at British Legion 16 December.My husband and I wish you all the best for your future and are very pleased that you have such a supportive family.

  • Becky (Thursday, December 07 17 06:37 pm GMT)

    We had such a great night with you on "Xmas day" at the Ocean hotel! We have seen you several times and you're always the best. Such a wonderful voice. See you again next year!

  • Sarah (Tuesday, December 05 17 12:21 pm GMT)

    What a voice! Saw you at the Ocean hotel. Never heard anything like you anywhere. I love your c.d. too.

  • Ann Dukes (Tuesday, September 12 17 01:42 pm BST)

    So sad to have not seen you perform on Sunday 13th August as it is the highlight of our holiday. We really hope you are doing ok.Hope to see you when we are next at the New Ocean Hotel as we think you arean amazing singer.

  • Sue bailey (Sunday, April 30 17 05:13 pm BST)

    Hi dan my husband and I met you last night 29th April at Somerset legion house whilst we were on a poppy break your voice is outstanding bought your cd it's great all the best for the future regards from sue and Neil bailey

  • anndukes (Monday, December 12 16 04:11 pm GMT)

    Think you are really awesome,love listening to you sing,you have a true talent.My sister & I always look forward to your performances @ New Ocean Hotel in Weston.

  • steve johnson (Tuesday, May 24 16 10:52 am BST)

    hisaw you again at somerset house with your mate steve. amazing again. had photo taken with you.

  • Shirley Parker (Sunday, May 22 16 08:13 am BST)

    Stayed at The Anchor Head Hotel 2 weeks ago. The best act by far I have seen Dan Droid, has a fantastic voice. Never heard such a professional singer, in all the hotels I have stayed at. You should
    be on B.G.T. you would of won hands down. Bought C.D. can't stop playing it. Also your son was fantastic helping you with the electrics.

  • Shirley Parker (Sunday, May 22 16 08:07 am BST)

    Fantastic act, never seen anything so good. In all the hotels I have been to in the past, could not believe the sound of Dan Droid, at The Anchor Head Hotel, where we were staying, best act by far.
    He will go places should of been on B.G.T. would of won, hands down. Bought his C.D. can't stop playing it, his voice is amazing.

  • Stephanie Van Rensburg (Sunday, April 24 16 11:19 pm BST)

    Bought Eclectic last week. Love it such a variety, played it to a friend who was also really impressed l will be checking out your other albums.

  • Steve (Sunday, April 17 16 01:05 pm BST)

    A great show at the British legion house. Great to see you again.

  • catherine price (Monday, December 28 15 07:30 pm GMT)

    Hi dan myself & my husband stayed at the british legion hotel last week in weston & we had the pleasure of you entertaining us with your fabulous voice on saturday evening .you can sing any
    song as good or better than the original artist's .i was just reading about you slowing loosing your sight we would never have realised so .take care dan enjoy your life & your family .keep
    singing we might get to see you perform in the future .take care best wishes Xx

  • Jacqui Ibbetson Manager Somerset Legion House (Friday, July 31 15 02:42 pm BST)

    Hi Dan,
    Thank you for all the great entertainment you provide at Somerset Legion House Weston super Mare. Your name appears time and time again on our Guest Surveys as the best entertainment during our
    Guests Poppy Breaks with us and the children love you during our special family breaks.
    Thank you on behalf of everyone at Somerset Legion House
    Jacqui Ibbetson Manager

  • Moira James (Monday, December 15 14 05:32 pm GMT)

    Hi dan saw you at Seaward in Weston on Sat and had chance to chat to you after your show. Brilliant tone and range to your voice best singer I\'ve heard in a long time. Going to bring my husband down
    to Weston to catch one of your shows so if you could let me know some of your January dates will try to catch your show

  • Adrian & Wendy Ireland (Saturday, June 21 14 01:43 am BST)

    Dan loved your voice and you are a great entertainer, have taken your cd home to New Zealand loving it, all the very best for the future

  • Adran (Wednesday, May 14 14 02:09 pm BST)

    Hi There.
    Just listened to your song and watch the video on u-tube.
    We are artistbiz.co.uk
    Would you be interested in joining our agency!
    All the best.

  • sylvie eddy (Monday, February 03 14 01:34 pm GMT)

    hi dan saw you at the daunceys hotel over xmas.need to know any of your music that you have got . thought you were just great Music of the night .a great track also i really liked your version off
    the sun aint gonna shine anymore .cant wait to hear more of your songs ..i wish you and your family a happy new year hope to hear from you soon sylvia xx

  • elaine (Sunday, January 19 14 05:48 pm GMT)

    Have you got any venues lined up this year?

  • Barbara Deighton (Saturday, December 21 13 01:00 pm GMT)

    Hello Dan.
    We saw you at the Birchfield at the beginning of December. It was the best night of entertainment I have had in 14 years of visiting hotels in Britain. Well done. I love your CD too.
    Thank you and merry xmas and good luck in 2014.

  • alyse (Tuesday, November 26 13 12:57 pm GMT)

    saw you on 'New years Eve'!
    sunday 21st november.
    You were under appreciated.
    I played your cd to my husband, on hearing you, he also thought you were great. If you are ever performing in our neck of the woods...Swansea,
    Cardiff do let us know. Good luck and thanks

  • Mr. Wynne (Sunday, August 18 13 07:50 pm BST)

    Came to see you at the Anchor Head hotel just a few weeks ago, and I have to say you were one of the most marvelous acts that have been played at these Alfa hotels in a long while. Inspiring, and I
    give you all my wishes for your success in the future. Good luck, Dan!

  • Mrs Arthur (Saturday, March 02 13 07:29 pm GMT)

    Hello , saw you at the Anchor Hotel weston in feb and you were brilliant wonderful voice and sleek. wish you all the best in the future in your singing carrear.

  • Jackie Burrage (Sunday, December 16 12 09:32 am GMT)

    WOW!!! What a surprise to hear such great vocal talent featured right on our doorstep. Absolutely loved your performance at the PFC, Thank you!!!

  • Phil (Tuesday, December 04 12 02:25 pm GMT)

    Hi Dan,
    I've been going to the Birchfield for 7 years and you are the best act I've ever seen there. Good luck.

  • julie bedwell (Monday, August 06 12 11:32 am BST)

    what a great singer at new oceon hotel, great voice, quite sexy
    too x

  • d.g.forsdike (Saturday, May 26 12 07:26 pm BST)

    i hope you remember last thursday evening my wife and i enjoyed it so much i was the one with the moving hair and so enjoyed your cd it was grate

  • LIN (Monday, February 27 12 09:00 pm GMT)

    Hi Dan,
    We have seen you twice at the New Ocean and think you're great.
    We saw you last night. We were the rowdy bunch of 9 who were singing and dancing. Bought your cd's too. Hope you get great success.

  • Sally Watkins (Sunday, November 06 11 05:45 pm GMT)

    Hi Dan,
    Just want to say how much I have enjoyed your CD which I bought after you performed at the Lauriston Hotel in Weston in October. We were from the Bexley and Dartford Parkinsons group, all in our 70's
    .Everyone agreed you are a lovely young man with a great voice

  • Michael Crisman (Monday, October 31 11 02:37 pm GMT)

    Great music

  • Linda Fisher (Friday, October 28 11 06:38 pm BST)

    You've got a wonderful voice. Would love to see you perform.

  • Devon Rock (Thursday, October 27 11 06:02 pm BST)

    Dan. I really like your music. I hope you continue as an advocate for the sight impaired too. You can reach people through your music that might not otherwise be accessable. As a pro musician/song
    writier for over twenty years, I can appreciate your efforts. God speed and hope to meet you here in Tulsa, OK USA. I'm a close friend of your dad's and Kathy's as well. You've got fans across the

DaN DroiD - I Am The In - Blind Mans Bluff